Micha! Oh my goodness. What a surprise of a gift to read this morning! Thank you. You got it. You get it.

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Beautiful. Solidarity on the learning curve of having a special needs child. It’s intense. I read Lore’s book too. So good. I did hear about your book and this post was a reminder to get it. ❤️

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Oh Mel, yes! You should definitely get your hands on Micha's book. I should have thought to recommend it to you earlier!

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This really resonated with and blessed me, Micha. I’ve wrestled with such similar longings and questions after my first book came out and then so many things in my life broke apart, necessitating a full-hearted shift into caregiving.

I still remember seeing you for the first time when you spoke back in 2016 at the Calvin festival (and being so moved then) and how with all the twists and turns since then in your life and creative work, you have continued to inspire.

I feel like your post was a word from the Spirit. Thank you! And thank you for how you continue to be a beautiful channel of God’s love, wisdom, and healing.

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